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Role of the renin―angiotensin system in the nandrolone-decanoate-induced attenuation of the Bezold―Jarisch reflexUGGERE DE ANDRADE, Tadeu; ZANOTELI LOIOLA, Leonardo; NASCIMENTO ALCURE, Samira Merces et al.Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology. 2011, Vol 89, Num 12, pp 891-897, issn 0008-4212, 7 p.Article

Cardoguard, an Ayurvedic antihypertensive formulation, prevents cardiac remodeling in spontaneously hypertensive rats by inhibition of ERK and PKCε signaling pathwaysSANKAR, Vandana; NAIR, Renuka R; HARIKRISHNAN, Vijayakumar S et al.Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology. 2012, Vol 90, Num 5, pp 627-635, issn 0008-4212, 9 p.Article

Time course in calpain activity and autolysis in slow and fast skeletal muscle during clenbuterol treatmentDOUILLARD, Aymeric; GALBES, Olivier; ROSSANO, Bernadette et al.Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology. 2011, Vol 89, Num 2, pp 117-125, issn 0008-4212, 9 p.Article

Resistance training reduces whole-body protein turnover and improves net protein retention in untrained young malesHARTMAN, Joseph W; MOORE, Daniel R; PHILLIPS, Stuart M et al.Applied physiology, nutrition, and metabolism. 2006, Vol 31, Num 5, pp 557-564, 8 p.Article

Orbital apex syndrome following inferior turbinate radiofrequencyFAURE, C; SEGHIR, C; HAMON, M et al.Revue de laryngologie, d'otologie et de rhinologie (1919). 2009, Vol 130, Num 2, pp 121-123, issn 0035-1334, 3 p.Article

The ability of phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors sildenafil and ordonafil to reverse L-NAME induced cardiac hypertrophy in the rabbit: possible role of calcineurin and p38ZEIDAN, Asad; SIAM, Aiad; AL KAABBA, Abdulaziz et al.Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology. 2012, Vol 90, Num 9, pp 1247-1255, issn 0008-4212, 9 p.Conference Paper

Myocardial remodelling induced by repeated low doses of isoproterenolMIKUSOVA, Andrea; KRAIOVA, Eva; TYLKOVA, Lucia et al.Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology. 2009, Vol 87, Num 8, pp 641-651, issn 0008-4212, 11 p.Article

Resistance exercise : good for more than just Grandma and Grandpa's musclesPHILLIPS, Stuart M.Applied physiology, nutrition, and metabolism. 2007, Vol 32, Num 6, pp 1198-1205, 8 p.Article

Expression des cytokines et de leurs récepteurs dans le ventricule gauche hypertrophique du rat TGR(mRen2)27 = mRNA expression of cytokines and their receptors in the TGR(mRen2)27 rat with left ventricular hypertrophyKURDI, M; DIZERENS, N; CERUTTI, C et al.Archives des maladies du coeur et des vaisseaux. 2003, Vol 96, Num 7-8, pp 811-814, issn 0003-9683, 4 p.Article

Mechanisms involved in the differential reduction of omega-3 and omega-6 highly unsaturated fatty acids by structural heart disease resulting in HUFA deficiencyRUPP, Heinz; RUPP, Thomas P; ALTER, Peter et al.Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology. 2012, Vol 90, Num 1, pp 55-73, issn 0008-4212, 19 p.Article

Long-term effect of nutritional counselling on desired gain in body mass and lean body mass in elite athletesGARTHE, Ina; RAASTAD, Truls; SUNDGOT-BORGEN, Jorunn et al.Applied physiology, nutrition and metabolism. 2011, Vol 36, Num 4, pp 547-554, issn 1715-5312, 8 p.Article

Basal, but not overload-induced, myonuclear addition is attenuated by NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) administrationGORDON, Scott E; WESTERKAMP, Christopher M; SAVAGE, Kathleen J et al.Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology. 2007, Vol 85, Num 6, pp 646-651, issn 0008-4212, 6 p.Article

Minimal whey protein with carbohydrate stimulates muscle protein synthesis following resistance exercise in trained young menTANG, Jason E; MANOLAKOS, Joshua J; KUJBIDA, Greg W et al.Applied physiology, nutrition, and metabolism. 2007, Vol 32, Num 6, pp 1132-1138, 7 p.Article

Inhibitory effects of dauricine on early afterdepolarizations and L-type calcium currentLIU, Qiang-Ni; LI ZHANG; GONG, Pei-Li et al.Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology. 2009, Vol 87, Num 11, pp 954-962, issn 0008-4212, 9 p.Article

Simvastatin reverses cardiac hypertrophy caused by disruption of the bradykinin 2 receptorOSORIO, Juan C; CHEEMA, Faisal H; MARTENS, Timothy P et al.Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology. 2008, Vol 86, Num 9, pp 633-642, issn 0008-4212, 10 p.Article

Flow-induced vascular remodeling in the mesenteric artery of spontaneously hypertensive ratsGAO, Yu-Jing; YANG, Lu-Fang; STEAD, Shelley et al.Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology. 2008, Vol 86, Num 11, pp 737-744, issn 0008-4212, 8 p.Article

PRIMOS : Un outil de mesure tridimentionnel des surfaces cutanées = PRIMOS : 3-dimensional measurement of cutaneous surfacesROQUES, C; TEOT, L; FRASSON, N et al.JPC. Journal des plaies et cicatrisations. 2006, Num 55, pp 37-41, issn 1268-8924, 5 p.Article

Does habitual dietary intake influence myofiber hypertrophy in response to resistance training? A cluster analysisTHALACKER-MERCER, Anna E; PETRELLA, John K; BAMMAN, Marcas M et al.Applied physiology, nutrition and metabolism. 2009, Vol 34, Num 4, pp 632-639, issn 1715-5312, 8 p.Article

Role of D-type cyclins in heart development and diseaseHOTCHKISS, Adam; ROBINSON, Jessica; MACLEAN, Jessica et al.Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology. 2012, Vol 90, Num 9, pp 1197-1207, issn 0008-4212, 11 p.Conference Paper

Involvement of insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor transactivation in endothelin-1-induced signaling in vascular smooth muscle cellsBOUALLEGUE, Ali; VARDATSIKOS, George; SRIVASTAVA, Ashok K et al.Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology. 2010, Vol 88, Num 5, pp 501-509, issn 0008-4212, 9 p.Article

Traitement de l'hypertrophie des cornets inférieurs par radiofréquence chez les enfants atteints de mucoviscidose = Inferior turbinate hypertrophy radiofrequency management for children with cystic fibrosisABOU MAYALEH, H; BENICHOU, L; SENOUCI-BEREKSI, O et al.Revue de laryngologie, d'otologie et de rhinologie (1919). 2010, Vol 131, Num 4-5, pp 275-280, issn 0035-1334, 6 p.Article

La compression ou le traitement des complications cicatricielles des plaies Aiguës (brûlure et dermabrasion) = Compression, or the treatment of healing complications affecting acute wounds (burns and dermabrasion)MARDUEL, Y.-N.JPC. Journal des plaies et cicatrisations. 2006, Num 52, pp 7-11, issn 1268-8924, 5 p.Article

Cardiomyopathies hypertrophiques = Hypertrophic cardiomyopathyCHARRON, Ph; KOMAJDA, M.Archives des maladies du coeur et des vaisseaux. 2003, Vol 96, Num 11, pp 1042-1047, issn 0003-9683, 6 p.Article

Normalization of the calcineurin pathway underlies the regression of hypertensive hypertrophy induced by Na+/H+ exchanger-1 (NHE-1) inhibitionENNIS, Irene L; GARCIARENA, Carolina D; ESCUDERO, Eduardo M et al.Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology. 2007, Vol 85, Num 3-4, pp 301-310, issn 0008-4212, 10 p.Article

Lingual tonsillar hypertrophy (LTH)LALICH, Ian J; WARD, P. Daniel.Archives of otolaryngology, head & neck surgery. 2011, Vol 137, Num 6, issn 0886-4470, 630, 633-634 [3 p.]Article

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